The Coach Admin's Announcements

Hello! I'm Katie Johnson and I'm your WAYA President and Coach Administrator. My job is to recruit coaches and support them throughout the season to ensure that each team has a great experience. 

Like all types of volunteers, coaches are extremely important to our program. Without coaches, we can't form teams. And without teams, we are forced to turn away kids who’ve signed up to play. If you have questions about anything relating to coaching, please contact me!  Read below for more info on how to become a coach and the benefits that come with it. (My favorite is being able to set your own practice schedule!)


Coaching children is a very rewarding experience. And coaching your own child's team can be one of the most rewarding experiences of all! Coaches are pivotal to having children get the WAYA experience. If we don't have enough coaches, registration is scaled back and kids who want to play are turned away.

Worried that you have little or no experience? No problem! Jump in as an assistant and learn the sport alongside your child. Our head coaches will help guide you in giving the best experience to our youth athletes!

Coaches in the league must go through an application process each season and pass an annual background check. Coaching candidates are approved on a seasonal basis. A coach is allowed to be the Head Coach for only one team per season, but can be an assistant coach on another team if approved.

Coaches are essential to the game. They teach children skills for the game and help develop a healthy, positive attitude, teamwork and good sportsmanship. Coaching is a rewarding experience because you have the opportunity to build a child's self-esteem, help them learn new skills and just have a lot of fun.

Contact our Coach Administrator Katie Johnson if you are ready to become a coach.

Top 10 Reasons to Coach

  1. Spending time with your child.
    Coaching is a great way to share their experience, while giving you a great new perspective on how they're growing as athletes and individuals as they interact with their peers.  It's a great way to make memories at your child's current age.

  2. Setting your own practice schedule.
    Eliminate potential schedule conflicts.  As coach, you can set the practice nights to fit your own schedule. 

  3. Exercise.  Outdoors!
    Get out of the house! Enjoy the outdoors! Get some fresh air while making a difference in our member’s youth athletic careers!

  4. Learning more about the game.
    Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned player, we'll help you along the way.   You'll also have access to experienced coaches to help you throughout the season.  

  5. Being a part of a sports team.
    Rather than simply being a passive spectator at your child's games and of professional sports teams, you now can enjoy being a part of a sports team!  As head coach, you and your team staff (assistant coaches, team manager, and team referees) instill the work ethic at practices, train your players, foster teamwork and communication, set the game day positions and strategies, feel the pregame butterflies, lead your team to a fun and successful game, and celebrate with new friends and family throughout the course of the season.

  6. Showing kids how to have fun!
    WAYA participates in a recreational  league (as opposed to a competitive league) which promotes each sport in a fun, safe, and fair environment where everyone gets to play (there are no benched players).  You'll be able to show your kids how to have fun while learning and applying skills, coming together as a team, and your own way and style! 

  7. Making an impact on young lives.
    Over and beyond the sport and athleticism, through positive coaching, you'll have the opportunity to teach life-long lessons to your team, and in building their personal self-confidence, of which they'll be able to take with them off the field, applying them to the rest of their lives.  Lessons such as: how to be a gracious and respectful winner/loser; teamwork; practice; work ethic; communication; trust; selflessness; and respect. 

  8. Making new friends in other parents.
    Your team will also include the parents of your players, which will assist you and your players in assistant coaching, training, refereeing, team communication, and volunteering.  It's a great way to meet other parents in the community! 

  9. Building your own confidence.
    Having the trust and respect of your team (players and parents alike) can give you an amazing feeling. 

  10. Setting an example of volunteerism.
    Children of volunteer parents will most often themselves become volunteers, having been instilled with the desire of giving back to their community just like their own parent-coach did.